With newly gained creativity, motivation and above all health, we are back to bring your exciting use cases to reality!
You always wanted to develop a 5G Use Case yourself, but you don’t know exactly in which direction the journey should go? Get inspiration for your exciting projects HERE!

Do not forget! – The Playground is part of the innovation lab Airlabs and accordingly supports the combination of technologies around drones and 5G. Let yourself and your ideas take wings!

The 5G Playground team is also available for your projects and ideas from the office as usual and therefore available for your appointments.

Of course, all security precautions are strictly adhered to and digital appointments can still be held.
Get in contact with us:

Dr. Pamela Mühlmann
Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
T: +43 463 908290-18