Commissioned by the state of Carinthia and the federal government, the 5G Playground Carinthia under the management of Carinthian Agency for Investment Promotion and Public Shareholding (BABEG) was opened in October 2019 at the Lakeside Science & Technology Park in Klagenfurt.
Just two months later, 5G Playground Carinthia now provides research institutions and companies with an edge cloud from A1 in addition to the existing 5G Campus network. A research group from the University of Klagenfurt used this new technology for a premiere: The first 360° video was transmitted via 5G.
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For the local programme “Kärnten heute” the ORF produces short portraits of companies in the Lakeside Science & Technology Park for Lakeside Park. The 5G Playground has been chosen for this purpose.
We are very proud about this. The ORF team around Marco Muhrsteiner visited the monthly JF of the Playground and conducted individual interviews with the managing director of BABEG (Markus Hornböck), the project management of the Playground (Pamela Mühlmann) as well as examples of applications active on the Playground. The spot will be broadcast in early/mid February.
Details and the complete clip can be found here.
Article from “Kleine Zeitung”, 01/18/2020
The mobile phone standard 5G creates a lot of potential for various new applications. Especially for the usage in IoT developement such as Smart Cities which are being researched by the FH. Helmut Wöllik from the Engineering & IT department of the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences reports in this newspaper article about the work on setting up a 5G sensor network at 5G Playground Carinthia. The information is needed to make many processes in cities more efficient, from traffic planning to measures for climate adaptation. His project is particularly concerned with how sensor networks in cities can be used to save energy as much as possible. For further details please refer to the attached newspaper article. Article, Kleine Zeitung,01/18/20